The Great Shaming of the Left

Is the shaming of the Left not simply an expression of the Right's disdain for its own misguided faith and fevered tribalism?

(I have low regard for the whole inadequate Left-Right spectrum which deals not with the true complexities of political persuasion, ignoring the differences between Authoritarianism, Libertarianism and Liberalism; but it is clear to me there is such a thing as the Right wing: it is precisely the unthinking zealousness of a person's unshakable adherence to that flaccid Left-versus-Right myth that identifies that person peculiarly as Right wing.

Those inclined to believe in narrow categories and rigidly defined groups, and who are inclined to accept given labels and to conform to those labels, not only willingly, but insistently are also very much inclined to put their faith in Right wing politics.

I will, however, use both the terms Left wing and Right wing for the sake of simplicity and brevity).

The shaming of the Left is an attempt (which will no doubt prove successful) to make progressive thinkers appear to have all the abhorrent traits of the Right wing. It is easy for the Right wing to accept these accusation placed on the Left; the accusations use language intuitive to all Right thinkers: it is the language the Right can understand.

The shaming of the Left describes progressive thinkers, in their multitude of guises, as single-minded, rabid arbiters of blind faith, who aggressively accept and conform to ideas conjured by a few crazed Left wing leaders. If only there was such unity amongst the Progressive kind! It is a unity fabricated by the Right wing because it demonstrates the unity they hold with the backwards politics of the ruling elite and the dirty Right wing press.

Amongst Progressives there is a much greater, grander multitude of ideas and beliefs, which is why unity on the Left can never conjure the nationalistic all-or-nothingness we see on the Right. Many of the Left's strongest ideas are often dismissed as lunacy, despite the fact the Right's blind acceptance of so many subjugating policies displays a level of lunacy unmatched by the Left.

Every episode of solidarity is used against the Left. When many people acknowledge and denounce the war crimes of a particular country, this perceived singling-out of that country is used as evidence of the Left's supposed inherent racism; and all valid criticism is dismissed, used as proof of the Left's regressiveness. Again, the beliefs of the Left are mistaken for the blind acceptance found in the Right, as if all of the Left's ideas are impregnated via psychic instruction from their overlord rather than being considered and deliberated over; and here, the Right's inherent love affair with racism is keenly ignored, as if it is they who hold the moral high ground when it comes to nations and peoples, and it is they who are not hateful and aggressive towards foreign people.

It is ironic and intrinsically pathetic that the Right can only criticise the Left for its own crimes. It is a tactic that works well amongst the unthinking classes because the accused flaws come second-nature to them; and it is clear why these attacks on the Left occur, but it is not clear to those on the Right: Progressive thought is a threat to Profit and Power.

Over and out for now, guys!

