Idol of the Idiot

Those politics-bloggers of the world: they cannot change things; they cannot deliver humanity from its path to ultimate destruction. Those Auteurs of Progressive Thought: is there anyone more bound to failure? For what use are facts and reasoned arguments in the realm of the indoctrinated? What use is there for the careful communication of truths when there is ingrained confirmation bias towards what is rote-learned? 

The populace hold not the mental capacity for intelligent thought. They do not deserve to break from their subservience. Our people, self-destructing in slow motion, perpetually praising their psychopathic rulers, who continually remove our liberties and, piece by piece, dismantle all that is good and useful.

How does your blog fit in this grand scheme?; a needle hidden in a mass of billionaire-owned needles; you have no influence and the wider public have no interest in seeking anything other than the daily deliverance of bitter unrealities.

Erected in the hearts of men is a giant straw man: the Idol of the Idiot. Lacking the capacity to win real mental fights, their imaginary opponents are set up to fail. He towers high above cities comprising room and cells, a straw man containing all the logic you want to hear – what you are told to hear.

He swells with each individual's efforts to maintain his being; and locked within him: enemies of the people: the evil wrong-doers identified by the main stream press; captives within, awaiting the fate of raised, burning torches. The fire takes hold briskly and cleanly, the heat purging the people's cold, bleak anguish of: Thinking for Oneself.

The flames lick higher, the populace cheers, weeping tears of joy for the death of those who undermine their nationality and sovereign; and the flesh flakes, crisp, from the bone, billowing intoxicating fumes of rancid sweet aromas, sending the people into the throes of ecstasy and rage.

Over and out for now, guys!

