This is the tactic of the right wing mind. I have written about this on my sister blog I am a Cultural Marxist which I urge you not to read.
Dividing one's enemies, to pit them against each other instead of against you, is certainly a fruitful technique; but in the war of words and cognitive dissonance, nothing will elevate a right winger's pitiful views (in their own mind's at least) to grandeur and astuteness more than the simple misrepresenting of opposing views.
The technique is simple: rather than bother oneself with learning and thinking, one need merely to group all threatening notions into one category, then dismiss them outright. The most prevalent tactic here is to pinpoint one flaw or weakness, real or perceived, and use that to discredit the whole. Therefore the words and actions of one radical feminist discredits all feminism; the actions of one African American discredits all of Black Lives Matter; the mistakes of one M.P. discredits their entire party; and so on.
By using this technique, the right winger not only blinds herself to the flaws in her own logic by confirming why she supports the views she supports, she also shields herself from learning and growing mentally. She allows herself to be more easily manipulated by the corporate media so she can willfully continue to support regressive, self-destructive policies in the false belief they are what is best for the country.
P.S. For those right wingers (and some left wingers) who might think they have spotted a flaw in my blog post, that I too am misrepresenting my enemies: at what point did I say all right wingers use this straw man trick?
Although, 'tis true, they all do.
Over and out for now, guys!
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