Is Tory Propaganda Creating Unwitting Fascists?

Corbyn is renowned for his anti-war beliefs, so war is a topic regularly exploited by the right wing to try to turn supporters away from Labour. It was used heavily on Question Time before the election when nine angry, middle aged, European, males berated Corbyn for his preference of diplomacy over mass genocide.

It wasn't until a woman added a little bit of perspective to the debate saying: “I don’t understand why everyone in this room seems so keen on killing millions of people?”

This attack on Corbyn has been used recently with Corbyn not attending an event for Armed Forces Day and instead visiting Glastonbury to speak to thousands of members of the future of this country. It is clear Corbyn is very popular and this is troubling to the right wing who really only want to be on the winning team because they think that proves their opinions are correct.

Thus we get hundreds of memes making limping political points based on flaccid notions working on the premise: Corbyn is foolish because only stupid fools would support him and vice versa.

However I am sure, if in some parallel universe, Theresa May spoke to a huge crowd of adoring people at Glastonbury, the main stream media, and the pro-Tory lot on Facebook, would be reporting it incessantly and with much fervour with not a single comparison to Hitler.

It is clear to me the humiliation of supporting the woefully inept Tories has caused many of their supporters to go into Tory-support overdrive. Unwilling to admit they are supporting a failing party, many Tory supporters are looking for anything to undermine Corbyn and Labour in a failing bid to regain some respectability.

The result however, is that many Tory supporters are increasingly jingoistic and I do not think many of them realise what they are supporting. It seems to me incredible that so many people are not just accepting of war but actively proud of it.

Too enraptured in the throes of intense endorsement of their beloved right wing party of choice, it seems these people are willing to use anything as fodder to attack Corbyn; to support any notion, any policy as long as it seemingly undermines the voice of the opposing team.

I just wonder how far this aggressive campaign will go. I think it is safe to say, judging from many of the anti-Labour pages on Facebook, a lot of these people do not spend a lot of time in deep thought. Are these people sleepwalking into fascist beliefs?
