Psychic Baby Food

The pervasiveness of mainstream untruths plays havoc with my nervous system. Conjuring reality before my tilting mind, before these tired eyes, my bleeding ears; gaslighting me with a relentless waterboarding of certainties, of definites.

My symptoms are minor; I care not for the corporate induced lies, the upholding of existing power. There are few among us truly immune to the snare of those architects of reality, those arbiters of What Is, who seek to rob you of your precious fluids, to distract you from all that is useful. Even those who are active in politics cannot begin to liberate themselves from the games of our corporate overlords, leaping to the heroic defence of the current fashionable psychic victim. Every counter argument is one step away from one's political goals. To decry corporate lies is to conform entirely to corporate authority, dedicating one's wasted efforts to whatever the machine wants you to talk about, forsaking your true voice for a never ending battle of nuance and arrogant misinterpretation.

The truth is, you need the authority of corporate news. You cannot even distinguish your ideas from any official narrative. Political bloggers, taking pride for their outspoken views, what are they but mere political commentators?; columnists seeking payment for opinion. The left does not write the news; it only comments on the second hand views conjured psychically from within the rabid furies of the right.

But the right inhabit a worse condition, the supporters of which are incapable of distinguishing their own opinions – even their identity – from corporate propaganda. Assimilated into that psychic inferno, they cannot see the manipulation at work: how duped they are. They cannot perceive how their every lingering notion stems from some corporate think tank, disseminated subtly in conversation like an inkling of a genius, a ghost of a flavour, gently dawning on the raptured mind, the ideas are eased into the memory banks, and wilfully mistaken for real insight.

Investing their entire belief system in the hatred and bigotry and nonsense explanations, the right are raped par excellence, never pausing to reflect upon the blatantly-bullshit, upon the pre-school economics.

I see this. I see this every time I speak to a Tory voter. When the corporate machine says jump, the right wing jump. Thus, it is not only unquestionably accepted that the social democrat Jeremy Corbyn is scary, or a communist, or that Theresa May's shocking incompetence is actually a noble struggle, but the same words, the same phrases even, spoken from our news channels become the words delicately formed in the mouths of the supporters of the right.

Like clinging infants, unwilling to grow up, those on the right wait for instruction from their psychic overlords, craving food, to suckle, to latch onto that offered nipple, that teat of transcendence, to feed, and receive all the truths, all the guidance they need; so that they can weaponise their humiliation, so they excuse all the failings clearly laid out before them, absolving themselves from their dirty association with the criminal acts and the failings of the nation.

Psychic Baby Food.

Over and out for now, guys!

